Session 2 How Jesus Became Christian - by Barrie Wilson
The Times - How empire, culture and "globalization" shaped the world of Jesus.
Ch 2 - Cultures in Conflict, Ch 3 - Being Jewish in a Cosmopolitan World, Ch 4 - The Secrets of History
"What Christianity achieved in the post-Constantine fourth-century era represented the marketing victory of all times. It is especially ironic that a movement that started off as a radical challenge to the Pax Romana succeeded in becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire. ... But the victory came at a tremendous price. Simply put, the teachings of Jesus himself were smothered by the religion of Paul." ... p255

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Index Commentary Discussion
Commentary - Jock
The Times that Jesus came into are well introduced and reviewed by Wilson. As a complementary perspective, I have gathered some photos from the web and scanned from "Excavating Jesus" by Crossan and Reed. (hardcover on clearance!) Click on any picture for a larger view. These pictures and sketches give some substance to the Jesus of history. We are fortunate to have this new knowing. Note the map left. The desig "EJ" is given below for scans of illustrations from Crossan and Reed.
There are lots of archeological sites, mostly Israeli, some University or Church with photos and discussions of the work. Some of the best photographs though are from tourists who share their work on the web. Here are some links from which some of the photos following.
Jewish Virtual Library - Archaeology   Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Archaeology. hWilliam and Mary University - a fairly good powerpoint on some of the new (old) historical context of Jesus This last is excellent and has good shots and research activities on most of the biblical sites, including the Peter's House material below.
This relief is from the Temple of Augustus in Rome. It displays the Roman notion of peace through victory, a notion still prevalent today. It is a notion dependant upon severe economic exploitation of peoples - something Jesus spoke so much about. As we learn more about this ancient time, we are able to better understand the faith OF Jesus, more than that ABOUT him. His call for inclusion over exclusion and justice over exploitation is fresh in our ears. "EJ"
This is an artists reconstruction of Cesarea Maritima. Built by Herod as a show of force and commerce. With no natural harbour and no local water, they made it a major port. "EJ" Nazareth. Jesus' growing up place. pop. 2000. An artists reconstruction. Galilee was rich agricultural land and densely populated - ergo its exploitation and dissent. "EJ"
Ruins of Sephoris in central Galilee. Rebuilt when Jesus was a boy by Antipas, son of Herod. Roman garrison. pop. 24,000. 4 miles from Nazareth. Ruins of Sephoris. Joseph/Jesus might have been tradesmen here.
Ruins of Sephoris. Floor of 4th Cent Synagogue. Note Astrological motif. Ruins of Sephoris. Floor of Roman villa. Such a city would require the wealth and labour of much surrounding lands.
Ruins of Sephoris. Floor of Roman villa. This known as the "Mona Lisa of Sephoris" for her smile. Artist's reconstruction of a villa at Sephoris. Luxury for those at the top of society - poverty for those at the bottom. "EJ"
Artist's reconstruction of Tiberias on shore of Lake Galilee. Built by Antipas when Jesus was 19. Again a pop. 24,000. Jewish trading city. "EJ" Capernaum. Present shot. On Sea of Galilee. The adult home of Jesus.
Capernaum. Photo 1894. This is the general ruin and decay over the ages of this place. At the beginning of modern archeological activity. Capernaum. Modern view. Jesus walked these shores.
Capernaum. The "Jesus Boat". This first century wreck was recovered and loveingly reconstructed from the mud just a few years ago. Capernaum. An artist's reconstruction of the boat on the left in it's historical setting.
Capernaum. The digs down into time. The walls and foundations of the ancient houses. Capernaum. This is the plan discovered for "Peter's House", The plan shows the historical layering. Has always had a church on the site.
Capernaum. The lowest foundation. The floor of "Peter's House". Capernaum. "Peter's House" dig. Walls etc. This ancient tradition is being born out by archeological work.
Capernaum. An artist's sketch of "Peter's House" as it would have been. It is likely that Jesus lived with Peter in this house. Capernaum. Artist's reconstruction of the town showing the style of living. The pole and soil roofs recall the story of lowering the man through the roof to be healed by Jesus.
Capernaum. A working household pot from the first century. Capernaum. Lamps from the first century. This would have been the olive oil lamp in Jesus mind in his story of not hiding one's lamp under a basket.
Capernaum. These are the ruins of a 4th Century Synagogue. It was felt that there was none before this one. Capernaum. It has only recently been established that the black basalt foundation dates to first century, and so likely there was a Synagogue then.
Capernaum. A closer view of the old and older. Qumran Caves. Here the Essenes hid their scriptures in jars from Roman assault. Refound in 1947.
Fragment - The Community Rule. Fragment - The Sabbath Rule.
Fragment - The Damascus Rule Fragment - Book of Enoch
Fragment - Book of Leviticus Fragment - Book of Psalms
Qumran - Modern view of ruins by shoreline. Baptism Pool. Qumran - Archeological Dig. Living Quarters.
Qumran - Archeological Dig. Dining Halls Qumran - Archeological Dig. Scriptorium.
Jerusalem - Artists reconstruction of a priest's home. Note equal wealth of the occupying Romans. "EJ" Jerusalem - Artist's reconstruction of the City in the time of Jesus showing the reconstruction by Herod of the Temple and it's surrounding ground. "EJ"
First Cent. Artifact. The plan of Caiphas Tomb. In the tradition of the time, the chalk was hollowed out for family burial purposes. First Cent. Artifact. The bone-box of Caiphas. The most ornate yet found. When the body had decomposed, the bones of family members were kept this way.
First Cent. Artifact - only known crucifiction evidence because the nail through the ankle was bent and couldn't be recovered. Jerusalem - Today, with Herod's platform the site of the Muslim Dome of the Rock celebrating Mohammed's Ascension to heaven. "EJ"
Summary of Discussion Notes

It is very important to come to know the biblical context in order to discover the similarities and differences between that time and our own.

British and American empires in the modern era are not that much different from Greek and Roman empires in their day.

We live now in a "global village" because of the media.

Religion today is not dissimilar and parallels can be found. Then and now were/are times of multi-cultural, multi-faith turmoil.

The Jews believed in an accountable God whom they could trust; while the Romans and Greeks lived with the vagaries of their gods and the "fates." Judaism brought a whole new understanding of God into human history.

Justice and equality - were Hebrew concepts of the divine. Their God is the same today as God was then.

"Personal responsibility" is the new message we are hearing from Washington (Obama). It is a message of a moral calling that is grounded in the Jewish biblical tradition. It is a message that needs constantly to be proclaimed and renewed.

Challenge and Change:

Change is the Obama message. Some truly want to embrace it. Others, however, reject it.
Clicking the icon left will activate the e-mail on your machine and direct your comments to us. Comments are welcome and will be posted with usual editorial courtesies. St. David's United Church.Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Jan 2008