before there were words

awareness begins
the beating of mother’s heart
our first lullaby

born, we think and do
we are a people of words
we speak before singing

and then the gods speak
of love, purpose and worship
that we wrap in song

new times enfold us
new gods speak new ideas
old issues attend

so the generations share
so hearts and minds celebrate
a stained glass window showing st cecelia,
the patron saint of music
surrounded by her musicians

and her choir of angels
click to see full size details
(template from stainedglassinc.com)
on the occasion of a perfect anthem
on the value and place of tradition
on the tension in a good choir
between the soul and the spirit
between the words and the music,
between the message and the feeling

 1journey.net    elias      jan 2016 haiku-sonnet