a quiet place can enclose a song

the bonner troupe is back in town
our new sign of spring
along with robin's song and victoria's birthday

while waiting the weeks 'til winter's end
we anticipated these anthems and songs
their new and needed messages about old and marvellous mysteries

there is a hurry in the place now
fewer are here and everyone seems quiet
there is intensity in our practice

singing we discover little special spaces of praise and wonder
the words reminding us of our need
the music reminding us of our joy

no break - for we are intent on our purpose
no story - for there is a time ahead where it best belongs
little sharing, laughing, or tugs at the heart tonight

there is a holy coming in the air
tomorrow something feels promised
we feel comforted and in god's quiet hands
gary pat and jason conduct a marvellous choir workshop in calgary at centre street church each year.
it is a gift to celebrate. this is poem 2 in a sequence.

bonner music link
  1journey.net    may 1999 elias