Lorraine Cooper

Sunlight and Shadows
Lorraine Cooper recently surprised her friends and family. She did this after she died. As we gathered to celebrate her most active and interesting life, we discovered she was even more creative than we knew. Stashed away in baskets and boxes were her collections. Now of course we all like good pieces of poetry or wisdom, and we all like a good etching, but Lorraine it seems, caught, copied and catalogued just about every worthy thing she noticed.

So over time, we'll scan her work and so share it. The reflections and industry of this remarkable woman are worth sharing, and like her life, worth celebrating. Please then check out these first lovely collections of wisdom and art. (note some are pdf scans that will take some load time).

     Sunlight and Shadows
     The Cry of the Cricket
     Where Wind Waves Wander
     The Fates of Time
     Haiku of Hawaii Japan Canada